
Letters, postcards and diary entries give a wonderful insight into life at Hurdcott Camp.  If you have any material you would like to share please get in touch.

Concern for a relative at Hurdcott:

Gideon Letter 1

Gideon Letter2
Letter written by Dr Vernon Gideon to Hurdcott Camp Doctor regarding his cousin Private Gideon. Courtesy: Cris

Merry Christmas Postcard sent from Hurdcott:

George Arthur Newland2 - Odell
Postcard sent 30th October 1916 from Hurdcott Camp by Arthur George Newland, AIF. Courtesy: Justin O’Dell

War Medals:

George Arthur Newland - Odell
Photograph and War Medals belonging to Arthur George Newland, AIF Courtesy: Justin O’Dell

A Soldier from the 9th London Regiment:

Pte John Drewitt 9th London Regt - Susan Eyers
Private John Drewitt of the 9th London Regiment, photographed at Hurdcott Camp. Courtesy: Susan Eyers

A Photographic Postcard:

Percy William Henry Taylor - Madeleine Stanley
Colour Sergeant Percy William Henry Taylor, 14th York & Lancaster Regiment (on the left). Courtesy Madeleine Stanley

On the reverse of the postcard, Percy wrote to his brother George:

“Have been down here for about a month. Plenty of hills and chalk but we are right away from everything. Our only supplies from Salisbury of anything decent and that’s 7 or 8 miles away…”











Letters tracing a wounded son:

In an age before telephone calls or emails, the letters below show the agonizing wait for information.  Private George Shailer, No 3910 of the 48th Battalion, AIF was wounded on 27th April 1918:

Frederick Shailer3 - Triona
Courtesy: Triona

Australian Red Cross Society Notification dated 15th May 1918:

Frederick Shailer7 - Triona
Courtesy: Triona

Dated London 27th May 1918:

Frederick Shailer4 - Triona
Courtesy: Triona

Reply to Mrs Shailer dated 6th June 1918:

Frederick Shailer5 - Triona
Courtesy: Triona

Letter to Mrs Shailer dated 23rd August 1918, informing her that George had been sent to Hurdcott Camp on 24th May:

Frederick Shailer6 - Triona
Courtesy: Triona

A very thankful Mother writes:

Frederick Shailer - Triona
Courtesy: Triona

Detail of correspondance:

Frederick Shailer2 - Triona
Courtesy: Triona